Omega Pacific Gains Further Insight on Williams Property GIC Prospect and Expands Exploration Strategy

ACCESSWIRE · Omega Pacific Resources Inc.

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VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / July 31, 2024 / Omega Pacific Resources Inc. (CSE:OMGA)(OTCQB:OMGPF)(FSE:Q0F) ("Omega Pacific'' or the "Company") is pleased to provide a detailed interpretation of its recently announced assay results from drill hole WM24-01 and overview of its Phase 1 direction.


  • Comparative analysis of drill holes WM22-02, 22-03 and 24-01 evidence robust gold mineralization along chargeability and resistivity anomalies

  • More drilling is warranted proximal to these holes and associated IP anomalies as well as IP anomalies elsewhere along the >4 km GIC trend

  • Drill hole WM24-01 was located 50 m from historical drill hole WM22-02 which had returned strong grades in 2022

    • At ~250 m, both drill holes share similar grades and geological properties, deepening the Company's understanding of GIC's mineralization controls

  • Moderate IP anomalies are proving to be powerful vectors to gold mineralization

  • Upcoming results from the remaining holes of the initial 2024 drill program will further inform second phase drill program strategy

Drill Hole 24-01

Further analysis of last week's drill results reveals promising mineralization potential at GIC, marking a significant step forward in Omega Pacific's exploration efforts. The Company's first drill hole (WM24-01) intercepted strong grades that demonstrate the presence of both high-grade (6.22 g/t Au over 18.98m) and bulk tonnage (1.69 g/t Au over 104m) mineralization (OMGA press release July 24, 2024). Current drilling at GIC has encountered encouraging visual signs including broad zones of intense texturally destructive silicification (quartz-sericite-pyrite) including disseminated and fine fracture and vein-controlled pyrite. These visual indicators explain the resistivity and chargeability anomalies.

Historical and Current Work Programs

Historical Induced-Polarization (IP) geophysical surveys from 2022 and 2006 have helped steer the drilling at GIC. These surveys highlight chargeable (i.e. sulphides present) and resistive areas (i.e. quartz present), both of which can be indicative of gold mineralization separately and coincidentally.

The 2006 drilling at GIC focused on the highest chargeability anomalies from the 2006 IP survey - this drilling met with limited success. An expanded IP survey was conducted over GIC in 2021 in conjunction with a modern multi-element soil geochemical survey as a lead-up to the 2022 drill program which focused on direct testing of gold and copper in soil anomalies observed to be coincident with the more subtle moderate chargeability/resistivity responses. This approach yielded excellent results in WM22-02 and -03 with 2.2 g/t Au over 50 m (ended in mineralization) and 4.64 g/t Au over 8 m, respectively.